Create a Website

How Do I Add Custom HTML Code?

Adding custom HTML code is available to Pro subscribers only. This option is meant for web professionals who need advanced features and have a good understanding of how to use them.


HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge is required for working with this widget. Coding errors can result into incorrect work and display of your website.

There are 2 ways to add your HTML code:

  • In the Builder: Drag the HTML code widget to the website and click on it to enable editing:

  • Tip

    Use this block to place an external widget on your site or any other HTML elements, such as a table or any other block with content.

  • In head or at the end of body: Click on the Custom Code widget on the uKit Dashboard:

    In the settings, you can choose pages where the code will be added and its position on a particular page.


<head> usually contains meta tags, external libraries (scripts), and other things. Scripts are usually placed at the end of <body>. They should be triggered after a full page load.


You need to publish the website to get the changes applied.

How Do I Work With the jQuery script?

If you want to use jQuery scripts on your site, you need to do it in a special way, because the jQuery library is connected to uKit in a non-standard way. All jQuery scripts should be placed on your site Dashboard in the Custom code section. The code must be placed At the end of <body>. All your scripts must be wrapped by the require.js library as follows:

require(['jquery'], function ($) {
Your jQuery code
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