Create a Website

How Do I Manage My Domain Records?

If you have successfully connected a custom domain to your uKit website, you get access to managing your DNS records in the domain settings. To edit the domain records, go to the Domains section of the Dashboard, select Connected to the website and click on the “gear” icon next to the necessary domain. It will bring up a page with several tabs, click on the Domain records tab — here you can add DNS records to the settings of your domain.

You can add the following types of domain records:

  • MX
  • TXT
  • A
  • SRV

Each of these records has its own function and format:

MX records

MX records are used for setting up a domain email. By default, these records take the following format:

  • Name: @ (if you connect an email address for this particular domain)
  • Preference: 10
  • Exchange: Server address

Examples of MX records:

  • @ MX 10
  • @ MX 5

TXT records

TXT records contain text-based information. They are commonly used to verify the domain ownership when connecting some additional services, as well as for an SPF entry and DKIM signature. By default, these records take this format:

  • Name: @ (or a subdomain name)
  • TXT-DATA: any text-based information

Examples of TXT records:

  • @ TXT v=spf1
  • mail._domainkey TXT v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCm+3/BtqNb0jb0O3R2t/T3qJedMUQM78Me6wFVuMfuNUWpTIbFkst7QiaF7K4YezusS/UmZjbt5fRgZArbWxMMuy2/Rn/iQEvhDN+BLAbGi0tr3U+rp3lAOKly/cc2Kum2/Y+IE08SKuUq3aHQlkZnMcDY7KYmuHB98Kl8uI/gYQIDAQAB

CNAME records

CNAME records allow pointing an alias domain name to the desired hostname. The alias usually connects the hostname with some function (for example, for getting to the domain email by typing, or simply makes the hostname shorter. By default, CNAME entries are added this way:

  • Name: an alias domain name
  • CNAME: a hostname the specified alias will be pointed to

Examples of CNAME records:

  • mail CNAME
  • mail CNAME

A records

A records allow specifying the IP address of the server where a website available at this domain name is hosted. Such records are used to point domains and subdomains to other servers. By default, A records are added the following way:

  • Name: a subdomain name
  • Address: the IP-address of the server

Example of A records:

  • subdomain A


The А record is set up for a root domain by default and cannot be changed.

SRV records

SRV records contain specific information such as the hostname and port number which is used to define the location of a specific resource. Most of the services provide SRV records in this format:

  • TTL class SRV priority weight port target


In the Name field, you need to add this data:

By default, these records are added to uKit the following way:

  • Name: the name of the service or protocol
  • Priority: priority value
  • Weight: weight value
  • Port: an actual port of the service
  • Target: a hostname to connect to for accessing the service

Examples of SRV records:

  • _sipfederationtls._tcp SRV 100 1 5061
  • _autodiscover._tcp SRV 0 0 443


To add other records, please contact our Support Team.

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